Cohen is two weeks old and doing awesome! We went in for his 2 week check up on Wednesday and he is up 7 pounds and 1 ounce and grew one more inch to 19.5. The dr. said he looked great and he wouldn't need to go back until his 2 month check up. He is still doing formula and is eating now about every 2-2.5 hours. He started at 2 ounces each feeding but just yesterday and today we have moved him to 3 ounces because he was still hungry after eating the 2. He normally sleeps at least 1.5 hours after eating and is awake a little as he starts to get hungry again. At night, he is usually able to go a bit longer so that is nice to get some good stretches of sleep in between feedings. Nina (Jerimiah's mom) finally is home for her 2 week stretch at home. She works 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off up at the North Slope of Alaska for an oil company. She had left the Tuesday before Cohen was born and came in on Thursday, which was his original due date (May 14). We gave him his first real bath tonight and he loved it! He just layed there and relaxed for awhile. He was very cute! He even needed his binky. We can't not leave home without having that with us, which we learned the other night at Papi and Nina's. But after searching through the diaper bag, we found it and Cohen was much happier. Nina will be home until the 26th and then my Dad and Brenda are coming down the 29th for a few days. It will be nice to have them here and see them again. Jerimiah and I are working on finally arrangements of coming to Iowa at the end of June/beginning of July. I am very excited since I have not been there since last summer. And one of my first stops will be the Pizza Ranch! :) I will leave you with some pictures of our little peanut.
Capture the Moment- December Part IIII
2 years ago