A few weeks ago Cohen had his first ear infection. It was just in one ear and the amoxicillian cleared him right up. He got a little fussy with it, but not too bad. The poor boy is still teething also, so that doesn't help any matters. He has three in on the bottom and finally the top ones are starting to appear. There are three on top he is working on. One you can see now and the other two you can just feel them but I haven't been able to actually see them.
We took Cohen to the zoo about 2 weeks ago and we had a beautiful day there. He loved riding in the stroller. We brought him to the petting zoo and he got to touch the bull. It was cute.
Next weekend we leave for a visit to Iowa for our Spring Break. We are super excited! Hopefully he can play in some snow! We don't have too much planned while we are there besides visited with our relatives and friends. Here are a few updated pictures of the little bug.
On another note, keep praying for my friend Katrina. She is awaiting to finish her first cycle of chemo. If you would like to follow her blog that her family has, here it is. You will also see it on the side of our page where the picture is of Praying for Katrina.
Sara, Jerimiah and Cohen