Monday, May 24, 2010

Catch up on Life

Sorry, sorry....I know I said I was going to be better at this and it just hasn't happened yet. But thanks to two good faithful readers I feel the need that I better catch up on our lives.

Cohen celebrated his first birthday on April 30. We had his birthday party though the weekend before because it worked for my dad to squeeze in some days here. He had been in Vegas all week and flew here for a couple of days on his way back to Iowa. The theme of the party was "Under Construction" and turned out cute and fun. Jerimiah's sister April made some awesome chocolate cake and cupcakes for us and we had burgers, hot dogs, potato salad and chips to go along with it. Cohen got lots of awesome toys and was very blessed to have so many close friends and family join in the fun.
His actual birthday Jerimiah and I both took off to spend with him. In the morning he went on a donut run with Poppy (Jerimiah's dad) and was on a sugar high. We planned to bring him to lunch, but we were the only one's who enjoyed as Cohen fell asleep in the car on the way there. That night we went out to eat though again and then he spent the night with GiGi and Poppy so we could go to a game night with our Sunday School class friends.

Other then chasing Cohen around as he tries to run everywhere, things have been pretty routine with going to school, making lunches, etc. I am very excited for the end of the year. Only 6 and half days left! YAHOO!!! Maybe then I can finally stay caught up with this. We have taken lots of pictures since the last post so I will try my best and choose a few. If you are friends with me on facebook, that is the best way to stay up-to-date with pictures.

Sara, Jerimiah and Cohen