Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's a BOY!!

Well, here he is folks! We went in today for the ultrasound and found out it is a boy! We were excited for either but it is going to be extra fun for our nephew Max to grow up with a boy cousin so close. Max was born in July and will be 10 months when our baby is born. Jerimiah's sister has already boxed up his newborn stuff for us so it is going to be really nice have boys so close in age.

As of now, we will name him Cohen Lee. Cohen is a family name on Jerimiah's mom's grandmother's side from Australia. Lee is after my dad (Brandt Lee), his birth mother's side--The Leih's (different spelling) and it just happened to be my sister's middle name also (Amy Lee).

We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Sara, Jerimiah and Cohen :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Trippin' Tuesdays

Well the Texans won and they'll be on MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL!!!

I'm cooking dinner.

Sara is passed out on the couch... No wait... she's yelling at the dog AGAIN!!!

And tomorrow Wednesday, Nov. 26 2008. We will find out what we're having!!!!!!

Laters folks...

Monday, November 24, 2008



Since it seems everyone has a blog now these days, I decided to join. And, since so many of my family and friends are so far away, this will be a great way to keep you all informed of the things going on here in Texas. Also, it will be a great way to keep everyone up to date on the developments of Baby K once he or she arrives in May. That's all for now, come back and check us out again soon. My goal is to try to blog everyday or at least every other.

Sara and Jerimiah