My Aunt Brolene (see last picture) and my cousin Ben were in town last week as they were passing through on their way to visit a college that Ben is interested in in north Texas. We spent the day with them and it was great to catch up. We will get to see them again in a few weeks as I will be going to Iowa for my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. All the Bensema side of the family will be home, it will be great! Even my sister from Thailand is coming home for a few weeks and we will also be traveling to North Dakota to see my mom's side of the family, as long as the weather holds up!
Carlie is sleeping well also, people seem to ask that question alot so I'll just go ahead and address it. If she is fed around 11 or so..she will sleep until 5-5:30...which is a nice stretch. She is a snuggler so some times just to get her back to sleep she is in the bed with me, but I'm trying my hardest not too, we struggled with Cohen sleeping in his crib and don't want that to happen again.
Even in our busyness with 2 kids under 2, God has blessed us so much. I feel so extremely lucky to be mom to these two beautiful children. I can't wait to see them grow up together, Cohen already is very concerned with her when she is fussing, I'm sure it won't always be that way, but he loves her so already.
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